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The shift begins within...

The vision held at The Green Wave is that of a global, regenerative network that cares for and nurtures ALL life. But before we begin to nurture the external ecosystems to which we are intertwined, it is imperative to care for and nurture the ecosystems within. 


Through accessing the healing potential we carry internally, and augmenting with the healing power nature has to offer, we can most effectively support the greater ecosystems with which we are intimately intertwined.    

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Is your home Alive? 

Through our Green Home Makeover initiative, The Green Wave is partnering with life on Earth to reimagine our living spaces as LIVING, breathing, photosynthesizing ecosystems. 


Take our Home Heartbeat Quiz to check in on the health of your living space, and discover opportunities to breathe fresh life into your environment. 


Reimagine Business...

with an ecological consciousness: nature by design.  Using nature as a blueprint, our Commercial Ecosystem Designers transform workspaces to be incredibly energy efficient, eliminate pollution and waste streams, improve air quality, and create your workspace to be a haven where employees can't wait to get in the front door each day!


The best part?  We design with the bottom line in mind, so rest assured that your green investments will pay the dividends to keep your business flourishing even through the most tumultuous of times. 

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Cultivating Conscious


is key on the path to a regenerative future.  Living a  zero-waste, carbon-neutral, liberated lifestyle is nearly impossible to do on our own - especially within the confines of our current social structures that have not entirely adopted a sense of ecological consciousness.  

The Green Wave hosts a series of conversations that ask the question "How can we work together to transform our relationship to our ecosystem from being 'consumers' to being guardians and abundant producers?" 

Connect with one of our advisors to see how you can join the discussion, or click learn more to check out our current community projects.

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a regenerative world. A world with cities where the buildings are alive, breathe, and photosynthesize.  With vast food bearing pastures and forests that are self regulating and provide sustenance for all life to thrive.  A world where humankind are guardians and shepherds to our life systems - not consumers or predators.  All designed by nature, for nature.  With the purposeful acknowledgement that we ARE nature, spoken with the humility, reverence and excitement that we are only a small part of a much greater whole! 

We Envision...

We Create...

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through connection and collaboration; at the convergence of nature and technology.  Inspired by ecology, we work to design and integrate lifestyle, home, building, and societal improvements that create a symbiotic relationship between humanity and the natural world.  Teaming up with plants to purify our indoor air and save us energy.  Mimicking the photosynthetic properties of leaves in our solar panel imagination.  We facilitate symbiosis through design. 

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