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Qivolve Consciousness:  

Awakening Bodily Intelligence

Inside our bodies an entire universe swirls: a vast ecosystem in which we are the living landscape inhabited by a higher number of bacterial, fungal and archaea cells than that which is human.  Vast mountains and valleys,  rivers and oceans, stars and galaxies lie within.


The practice of Qivolve - an infusion of Tai Chi, Qigong, and Tibetan Meditation practice -  creates the space to connect with and heal the ecosyetems within; so that from there, we can heal the external ecosystems to which we are intertwined.


Join us for our weekly, donations based Qi flow sessions Thursdays at 6PM MST to tap in!  Or connect with an instructor to learn more about our deeper dive class options and private lesson offerings. 


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Reset the Programming:

With Habitual Roots

Building on the bodily eco-consciousness attained from Qivolve practice, the Habitual Roots methodology reframes our relationship with the conscious and subconscious mind; resetting our habits to empower us to actualize our potential and bring vision to action.  


The power of breath, in combination with awareness to our mental and emotional intelligence, can create a powerful sense of clarity as it pertains to the vision of our dreams.  And creating a framework of the habits required to ground this vision to reality is a superpower attained through the ROOTS methodology.  Learn more through connecting with one of our ROOTS pros below:


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Cultivate the Inner Ecosystem:

With Nature's Medicine

A core pillar of Green Wave consciousness is tapping into the regenerative cycle that comes from healing the natural world, and in turn receiving healing from the natural world.  Our philosophy is that through the intake of diets and medicine that are rooted in a respect for all life and sustainable systems, the external healing that is promoted is felt within our internal landscape as well.


Our nutritional experts have found that when we sustain our beingness through diets and medicine rooted in a respect for all life - that promote systems that are sustainable - the external healing that is promoted is felt in our internal landscape as well. 


Connect with one of our Green Nutritional Wellness Pros to understand how shifting intake to an alignment with our ecosystems can improve our health and feeling of wellbeing.   


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